
Reaping what I sowed

I had promised my neighbor a cat long time ago. After a few months, I found one that needed to be adopted, and picked it up for him. He hugged me, he almost cried, he was the happiest person alive. Half a year later I was in need to give a few tiny sweet white kittens away, so I offered him one. He loved the idea, showed me how well the other cat I'd given him was doing, happy etc.

So, a few days ago, drunk as he likes to be, told one of my friends who was about to walk into my house to ask me if I couldn't give him a bit of cash, you know, since he was "taking care of my cats" and all.


Paranormal Activity: Movie

I didn't like it, and it sucked.

Watch this trailer, and you will have seen the movie.

The audience shots telling you how scared you ought to be when going to see it should have tipped me off as to how little material this movie had for the trailer (and of course, for the movie), but when that occurred to me I was already sitting inside, coke in hand.

And it certainly doesn't make sense to include anything from the slow 93% of the movie in a trailer for a horror flick, would it, so I guess the filmmaker's hands were tied.

What it means to own Shih-Tzus

(two of them, to be specific)

-ripped out plants
-garbage out of the differend garbage cans in the house strewn all over the place, but only when I'm not home
-uncorrectable favoritism for certain places inside the house where to pee (the dogs, not me)
-poop behind a door, so that when you open it...you know
-filthy couch (they're not exactly self-cleaning animals)
-slimy couch (from licking the couch)
-mysterious spots on the couch and the carpet (from the occasional throwing up - the dogs, not me)
-chewed up candles
-chewed up pair of glasses
-chewed up cds and dvds
-partially destroyed book spines, mainly from borrowed ones
-partially destroyed magazines
-bitemarks in shoes

Luckily, they're also a lot of fun.


My blog has died

Long live my blog!

I shall attempt resurrection, this time with personal thoughts and pictures of my recent 3 months. Very unexpectedly, I've started dating the most awesome and unexpected woman I have ever met - romantically speaking, which leaves little time for internet.

So, to anyone that does get these updates, I'll be back shortly. Sorry for this renewed failed attempt at keeping my friends (and enemies?) informed.


For those of you who haven't come visit yet

and haven't seen the part of my house in which I spend 98% of my awake time (with the occasional crashing on the couch), here are a couple of pictures.

My motto for this year is (or should be)"Life doens't center around these rooms."

The pictures are not very sharp, and they were the last ones I took with my camera, which broke shortly thereafter (crappy editing for lack of options included).

For the record (no pun intended), I have still some serious 'acoustisizing' to do.

Control Room

Recording Room

An official abloglogy

Apparently my little blog announcement joke caused a bit of a reaction. At the time I was typing my email, I thought "what is something stupid I can write so it's not just a stupid 'hey everyone, read what i gotz to say' email?"

Although I like to mess with people that way, it wasn't intended to be as strong as it might have happened in the end.

Here are two fun kitty videos to make up for a bad joke.

A kitty gets beaten up by a pigeon

Funny reaction to when a cat doesn't get what it wants