
For those of you who haven't come visit yet

and haven't seen the part of my house in which I spend 98% of my awake time (with the occasional crashing on the couch), here are a couple of pictures.

My motto for this year is (or should be)"Life doens't center around these rooms."

The pictures are not very sharp, and they were the last ones I took with my camera, which broke shortly thereafter (crappy editing for lack of options included).

For the record (no pun intended), I have still some serious 'acoustisizing' to do.

Control Room

Recording Room

An official abloglogy

Apparently my little blog announcement joke caused a bit of a reaction. At the time I was typing my email, I thought "what is something stupid I can write so it's not just a stupid 'hey everyone, read what i gotz to say' email?"

Although I like to mess with people that way, it wasn't intended to be as strong as it might have happened in the end.

Here are two fun kitty videos to make up for a bad joke.

A kitty gets beaten up by a pigeon

Funny reaction to when a cat doesn't get what it wants


If I had huge sums of money

and if I could spend it on the borderline ridiculous, but still making sense at the same time:

I'd have netflix send me their dvds to Paraguay so I can watch episodes and movies that are impossible to get here.

I'd import coffee for my personal consumption.

I'd fly out to see my friends over certain weekends.

Set up a home entertainment projector with boutique surround monitoring system.

Scratch that, get a HUUUUGE 21:9 LCD screen with boutique surround monitoring system.

Have someone else ghostwrite an awesome blog for me, with pictures and sound bytes.

Finding technology to stay any age desired (physically), for as long as one would like to.

What do you call a catholic priest that has produced kids throughout his priesthood?

The same guy that also forsook his vows not to assume a political role: Our president.

I could care less whether he decides to become a roman catholic priest, decides to stop being a roman catholic priest, or sleep with women. A person shouldn't be defined by few mistakes or a couple of forsaken vows, but as the stories unfold (3 ladies claimed he had offspring with them during his priesthood - which is yet to be proven by DNA tests IIUC) this guy seems to have gone against several key things he said he and the institution that he said held allegiance to.

Not a good start. For the sake of the country, those who I love and myself, I hope it ends well.


I drink about 10 cups of coffee per day

Is that too much?

If I can't kill my neighbor

what is the next best step towards getting a brain damaged person to keep his music at such a level where it doesn't travel down every hole leading to the inside of my house?

Ideas that won't work:
Talking with him without going through a novela

Edit: Apparently, blogging (and then later on driving somewhere else) makes the problem go away - at least on the first try.



I haven't posted even once in March. What could I possibly have done that whole month??

Crazy idea: I need to post here more

since this is, at the moment, my blog. I'm not sure why I thought it was a great idea to start something if I am not going to be keeping it up. On the other side, giving up on it doesn't favor my "start-and–keep-going fun-tivities" history. So, knock yourselves out with the following pretty much worthless facts about this week:

-It was pretty hot, and the a/c wasn't working all that well, so I cleaned the filters, and lo and behold, my ass has started freezing off again. For some weird reason, I can't get a perfect temperature in this room - it's either a tiny bit too cold, or a tiny bit too hot. Out of these two, being my only two sensible options at the moment, I fancy a bit too cold best. But damn, it's a bit too cold in here the whole time.

- Coffee consumption has increased 79%, partly due to the fact that it's a bit too cold here.

- I think I am learning to type faster, and react more frantically to regular chat comments. I've updated my face book photo albums a little, I've read more articles online, and gone to sleep a little sooner in the night - usually around 1am (instead of 3am). I've done more laundry this week. This might be party due to the fact that I've had so much caffeine every day.

- Which also means, I've been procrastinating more faster.

Not too shabby of a week.