
Crazy idea: I need to post here more

since this is, at the moment, my blog. I'm not sure why I thought it was a great idea to start something if I am not going to be keeping it up. On the other side, giving up on it doesn't favor my "start-and–keep-going fun-tivities" history. So, knock yourselves out with the following pretty much worthless facts about this week:

-It was pretty hot, and the a/c wasn't working all that well, so I cleaned the filters, and lo and behold, my ass has started freezing off again. For some weird reason, I can't get a perfect temperature in this room - it's either a tiny bit too cold, or a tiny bit too hot. Out of these two, being my only two sensible options at the moment, I fancy a bit too cold best. But damn, it's a bit too cold in here the whole time.

- Coffee consumption has increased 79%, partly due to the fact that it's a bit too cold here.

- I think I am learning to type faster, and react more frantically to regular chat comments. I've updated my face book photo albums a little, I've read more articles online, and gone to sleep a little sooner in the night - usually around 1am (instead of 3am). I've done more laundry this week. This might be party due to the fact that I've had so much caffeine every day.

- Which also means, I've been procrastinating more faster.

Not too shabby of a week.

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